Case Studies


Integrative Spine and Sports

Sports Medicine Website

The Challenge: Design and programming of a WordPress content management system for sports medicine practice.

What we did:

WordPress CMS programming

Homepage Design and sub-page layout

Stock photo selection

Blog integration

Google map integration

Facebook page design and integration



Social Media Marketing

The Result: Significantlyimproved company brand image leading to higher customer acquisition and increased number of job seeker applications and resume submissions.

Visit Website: Integrative Spine and Sports

AT&T Residential

Consumer Targeted Marketing

The Challenge: Create an online application that would generate new residential sign ups for AT&T long Distance Services.

Our Solution: An AT&T micro-site targeted at new households and long distance switchers looking for a better rate plan. Users receive targeted discount offers. Key deliverables included: Site design and usability testing, application development, banner ads, online and print marketing.

What we did

  • Landing page design
  • Direct response forms
  • Graphic design
  • Banner ads
  • Usability testing

The Result: Significantly increased conversion and customer acquisition rates.

Client Testimonial: We rolled out this program in record time and it resulted in higher conversion rates than we have seen in the past. Thanks for a great job.

Build Your Empire Today.

Microfinance International

Financial Services Website

The Challenge: Redesign a corporate website for Microfinance International Corporation including news archives, leadership bios, Joomla programming, graphic design and SEO. Created English, Spanish and Japanese language versions.

What we did

  • Joomla CMS programming
  • Homepage Design and sub-page layout
  • Multiple languages (English/Japanese/Spanish)
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing

The Result: Significantly improved corporate branding, enabled faster website updates, easier customer access to information.

Client Testimonial:

We had many providers bid on our project, the quotes were packed with features, looked great and very appealing, but we decided to go with Sunday Media because they were upfront about the facts related to a start up web site. I am very glad with our decision, because Sunday Media shaped our concept in no time and developed a very robust and user friendly web site. Sunday Media understands the local trend and culture, available during local business hours have an existing background in advertising, media relations and web development, very hard to find a provider who can offer such a package in a one stop shop at a competitive price. Sunday Media has gone above and beyond our expectations. I highly recommend their expertise and we have already invited them to support our requirements in another project. On a scale of 1 to 10, It would not be fair to give them anything less than a perfect 10. Great Job Sunday Media. 

Yasuko Fumuro, MIcrofinance International 

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‘LLero Magazine

Magazine Website

The Challenge: Design a digital lifestyle and news platform for Latino men.

What we did

  • Homepage Design and sub-page layout
  • Joomla CMS programming
  • Image slider and interactive menu
  • Database programming
  • UI/UX design
  • SEO
  • Banner advertising system

Visit website: ‘LLERO

Case Studies

Maxus Technology

Computer Recycling Web Design

The Challenge: Deliver a clean, corporate web presence for to handle investor relations, generate awareness via a corporate blog, generate qualified leads and positive response from press, investors and targeted customers.

Our Solution: website delivered high page rank, included lead generation forms, optimized for Google and other search engines. Key deliverables included: User Interface design and testing, copy writing, online promotions, banner ads, photography and graphics, search engine optimization and marketing, logo development, launch marketing promotions, public relations, form design.

What we did

  • HTML/CSS Programming
  • Formatting for 20 pages of content
  • Website Design & Coding
  • Logo design
  • SEO
  • Response form programming
  • Browser testing and bug fixing

The Result: Top Google rank positioning across all keywords, increased customer acquisition, and increased web traffic.

Great Design

User Management

Easy Editing


Amazon Wireless Store

eCommerce UI/UX &Marketing

The Challenge: Launch the first store on that matches a product and a service based on the customer’s location and current cellular service provider.

Our Solution: The first zip-code database driven application that marries a product and a service with the customer profile. Key deliverables included: User Interface design and testing, banner ad and copy development, launch marketing promotions, search engine marketing, storefront and landing page design

What we did
  • User Interface design and testing
  • Graphic Design User Interface design and testing
  • Banner ad and copy development
  • Launch marketing promotions
  • Search engine marketing
  • Storefront and landing page design

The Result: This store became the leading cell phone and services site on the web, generating millions of annual transactions.


A good website begins with an understanding of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI design. We bring over two decades of design expertise to design each page with the best UI and UX principles.


We specialize in Content Management System development to help make your website easier to update and expand. One thing to consider is which CMS platform will work best for you. Should you use Joomla or WordPress? Shopify or WooCommerce? We will help you make the right decision.


Having a great website puts your business in position to succeed, but having a great marketing plan and campaign is the best way to expand your customer base. We can build a great marketing campaign utilizing the best in class marketing tools to suit your needs:

Ispiri Consulting

Consulting Web Design

The Challenge: Homepage and CMS design for Ispiri Global Consulting including graphic design, Joomla content management system programming, lead collection forms, SEO.

What we did

  • Joomla CMS programming
  • Homepage Design and sub-page layout
  • Graphic design
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing

The Result: Positive customer feedback and increased number of customer leads.

Client Testimonial:

Sunday Media is a very responsive, professional service provider. The level of communication is outstanding; much time was saved and miscommunication avoided by their in-depth survey process conducted prior to starting the website design. Without question, the designers have a “big picture” view of what a business website should and can do from a marketing perspective. Technical/creative skills are excellent. I will be using again in the near future. — Christine Nelson // Ispiri Global

CliniPro Staffing

Medical Staffing Web Design

Design and programming of a Joomla content management system for healthcare staffing company, resume uploader, interactive map, e-commerce integration

What we did

  • Joomla CMS programming
  • Homepage Design and sub-page layout
  • Graphic design
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing

The Result: Significantly improved company brand image leading to higher customer acquisition and increased number of job seeker applications and resume submissions.

Client Testimonial:

Sunday Media did such a great job we hired them to do two websites. The process was smooth and seamless as we navigated two projects at one time. We will definitely be working with them again in the future.

We Make Building Your Website Easy.

Are you ready?

Aging Lifecare

Designer Website, Tablet and iPhone versions for association of senior services advocates

What we did

  • Responsive Website Development
  • WordPress CMS
  • Graphic Design
  • Custom Form Programming
  • eCommerce Engine
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Website Marketing
  • Google Advertising
  • Homepage Design and sub-page layout
  • Tablet and iPhone designs

Visit Website : Aging Lifecare

We Build Better Websites Faster

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Strategy & Planning

We develop your website based on a solid foundation of understanding your business needs and customers based on all available data and research.

Branding and Marketing

Your website is an extension of your brand and your marketing. We help integrate your marketing and branding into an online campaign.

Ongoing Support

We like to partner with our clients for the long term to help them grow their business. Ongoing maintenance, marketing and technical support are available.

Boost Your Bottom Line With Us

We use the latest technologies and marketing tools to boost your bottom line.


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